Crookston Music Department Grading 40% Daily Musicianship * On Time to Class * Has all supplies needed and is ready to work and rehearse * Participating in class * Working towards better musicianship skills * Being a RESPECTFUL, RESPONSIBLE CITIZEN in the Ensemble
30% Individual Music Skills * Paper/Pencil Assessments * Individual Playing or Singing Evaluations * Theory Evaluations * Concert Critiques and other written assignments
30% Group Performances * Concerts * Other Ensemble Performances * Large Group Contest
Lettering in MUSIC 25 points = Letter these points must be accumulated within school year 50 points = Bronze pin these points are the total 9-12th grade 75 points = Silver pin these points are total 9-12th grade 100 points = Senior Plaque these points are total 9-12th grade
Lettering points are awarded for participation in: *MSHSL affiliated events like Solo, Ensemble and Large Group Contests. *Summer Marching Band Rehearsals and Parades *Summer Marching Shield / Treasurette Member Rehearsal and Parades *Pop Choir / Pop Stings / Jazz Band Member / Valley Fiddlers *Attend Music Camps *Auditioning for Honor Ensemble (ex UND) or MN STATE *Performing in Honor Ensemble (ex UND) or MN STATE *Participating in FFA State Band or Choir *Performing in the community (church musician, singing national anthem, etc- proof needed and must be brought to teacher following the event) * Actively involved in Ensemble Leadership - First chair, Section Leader, Librarian, Uniforms, Classic Noel C0-Chairs etc * These usually are not graded and there may be other opportunities that give points towards lettering